Saturday 1 February 2014

Always the lucky country

I am blessed to be a citizen of two democratic and fair countries sharing a joint history and an understanding and admiration of each other that probably does not exist elsewhere.
Sydney is one of the world's truly great cities. The weather, the food, the harbour, the beaches and most of all. the people, make it such. Things are always half full here rather than half empty. The natives, whether they be humans, animals or birds are friendly and loud. They are generous in nature and spirit.
The sun hurts both your skin and your eyes here as it is so bright. The landscape glistens.
It may be, as one of my Sydney friends suggested, near the end of the earth, but to me, that only intensifies why it is so lucky.
The best of the world is already here and the people want for nothing.
It will always be, in my eyes at least, the lucky country.

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